Medical Mission Sisters in the UK
Healing Presence at the Heart of a Wounded World

Our journey into life is our journey into God. On this sacred journey we experience God as mystery, who is love, source of healing and wholeness, and the sustainer of life. This draws us to live with passion for life and to participate in recreating our world. For us God is the holy ground in which our daily life is rooted and the power within that draws us and gives us direction to our life in mission.
This journey into life is a journey with others. We are companioned by each other and by those around us . We experience being enriched by each other through mutual giving and receiving. When we are present to this journey, we are open to life, to joy and celebration, to beauty and pain, to dying and rising. We trust that in all phases of life we are called to fullness.
Jesus inspires us to live as he did, to be present to life in a way that fosters wholeness. Living in the spirit of Jesus we are touched by the vulnerability and destruction of life and are drawn to protect life and to promote healing and wholeness. In situations of brokenness and violence, we desire to be women of compassion , care and hope.
We continue to be conscious of this inspiration as we respond to the needs of our times. Fidelity to our inner call often places us on the margins of culture, religion and church. This calls us to a new kind of pioneering and to taking a prophetic stance that has political impacts on religion, culture and other social realities.
Core Aspects of MMS Spirituality
The Experience of God,
the Journey of Life