Medical Mission Sisters in the UK
Healing Presence at the Heart of a Wounded World
Mission Appeals
Medical Mission Sisters are members of the Sisters' Mission Committee, which is composed of sisters from 12 missionary congregations. We give mission appeals at weekend masses in parishes in England and Wales throughout the year; all funds collected are put together and shared out equitably among the member congregations at the end of the year.
We appreciate the opportunity of getting to know the Church in England and Wales better - especially those of us who are from another part of the world or have spent a considerable time out of the country - and are grateful for the ongoing support and generosity of parishioners.
Appeals are made:
to share our experience in mission
to increase awareness of the responsibility of all Christians to be involved in mission, at home as well as overseas
to ask for their financial support. Most members of the congregations giving the appeals are unable, because of the kind of work they do, to earn adequate salaries to support themselves.
The appeals are administered by the Catholic Missionary Union, to which the Sisters' Mission Committee belongs.
Daphne Norden - Mission Appeals Organiser and Medical Mission News Editor